The first visit includes review and discussion of health history and medical records (if provided), evaluation and a 60-minute treatment using acupuncture and adjunct modalities such as cupping and massage. Allow two hours for the first visit. Follow ups take no more than 90 minutes.
Facial rejuvenation that lifts sagging skin and reduces fine lines. Feeling youthful means healing not only skin but addressing the whole person, from the inside out. Single treatment or packages of 5 to 12 treatments. This is a spa-like treatment with a customized combination of massage, masks, and acupressure. An initial evaluation of skin and constitution with recommended treatment course is provided at first visit.
Includes a complete intake and review of chief complaint, acupuncture treatment and recommendations for herbal treatment. Also includes nutritional advice and functional medicine health assessment. Please bring in any pertinent labs or testing.
Acupressure, massage, and acupuncture make for a triple threat of healing power! This treatment is designed to boost yang, fortify the nerves, and relax muscles. Michelle was a licensed massage therapist for 10 years before studying acupuncture and can combine these modalities with focused intention to ease stress and pain. This can be booked after an initial session. First session is "Initial Acupuncture" for everyone, although massage can be incorporated into your first session as well.
Auricular (ear) medicine is a blend of east and west. A microsystem that can address most health conditions. Auriculotherapy is a bridge between western medicine and Chinese medicine due to the neurological link of acupoints on the ear to the brain.
Consult will include review of health history, discussion of issues to address, and specific herbal solutions. Includes three follow up check-ins. Nutritional support also provided.
Includes review of symptoms, history of illness and diagnostic reports. Monthly check-ins for the first three months to monitor progress, and subsequent check-ins for up to one year.